Spiders are considered beneficial, in that they eat other insects, but for those people that are still not satisfied in sharing their home or cottage with these eight legged creatures, we provide a comprehensive home and cottage exterior Spider spraying service.
Cluster Flies
Flies are extremely common and can be found one to a few at a time in homes or businesses during the warm spring and fall months. They are attracted to buildings by food odors and also warm air currents escaping through cracks around doors and windows or through doors propped open for ventilation purposes.
Wasps are generally beneficial insects as they pollinate flower and vegetable gardens and feed on other insect pests; however, when they nest in or near structures, control is usually warranted. Most species of wasps are social insects and build nests containing sometimes thousands of individuals. Some nest inside walls or underground, while others build paper nests suspended from trees, shrubs, overhangs, in attics or in sheds. Wasps tend to be more aggressive as summer ends and will often find their way indoors.
Ants are social insects living in colonies
comprised of one or more queens, and hundreds or thousands of workers.
The queen generally stays deep and safe within a nest. Depending on
the species, foraging ants may be similar in size, or there may be a
range of sizes. Ants come in a variety of colors from pale yellow
to bright red to jet black. Winged ants are the reproductive form
of most ant species and their presence is an indication of an established
colony located nearby.
Box Elder Bugs
These bugs are about ½ inch long and are brownish black with red markings on the thorax and wings. The immature stages are colored red with reduced wings. Box Elder Bugs are commonly found on trees of the maple family. They often gather in large numbers in the spring and fall.